
You can get the Typographic style from Zeit design here. And support dark mode. (add class="dark-theme" to html tag to switch dark mode.)

Use by CDN:

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@zeit-ui/typographic@latest/umd.css"></script>


Title display <h1>

Title display <h2>

Title display <h3>

Title display <h4>

Title display <h5>
Title display <h6>


func is a modern command line framework that is lighter and more elegant compared with other products, with more scaffolding support and an excellent developer experience at the same time.

func is a modern command line framework that is lighter and more elegant compared with other products, with more scaffolding support and an excellent developer experience at the same time.


func is a modern command line framework that is lighter and more elegant compared with other products, with more scaffolding support and an excellent developer experience at the same time. func is a modern command line framework that is lighter and more elegant compared with other products, with more scaffolding support and an excellent developer experience at the same time.


  1. Static websites and static generators (React, Vue, Angular, etc)
  2. Code that renders HTML on the server-side
  3. API endpoints that query databases or web APIs and return dynamic data


The func provides the installation script and the default template of an item.

Code Block

npm init func


Learn more at github


This is a title <div class="zi-title">

This is a subtitle <div class="zi-subtitle">

This project is open-sourced on GitHub.